Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Reanna Philpot

 I am a loving person and Im a big ball of fun!  Im really easy to get  along with and I could pretty much become friends with anybody. I am shy at first but once you get to know me I am a blast. My family comes before anyone and I would do anything for them. I live in the city and I have grown up in Loveland, born and raised here. I absolutely love going in the mountains and going camping and my family rides fourwheelers and I am always out doors. Im a very bubly person. I have a little brother who is 8 years old his name is Robbie Rockit, he rides dirt bikes and is a crazy little boy. Family is the most important thing in my life and I couldnt thank god enough for them. I love my friends, they are always there for me and they are a blast! I hope you enjoyed working with me and had just as much fun as I did building your house!
 Being in this class has taught me alot. I knew I would learn a lot my freshman year but i definitley learned the most in this class. I learned a lot about building and I also learned a lot in math. I feel smarter and I feel achieved from this class. After building this home it actually made me think twice of how community service isnt that bad. The outcome and the way I feel about myself after contributing to this house! The lesson I think that will help me the most is solving for x and algebraic expressions. I know that when I go into other math classes I am gonna need to know those things to be able to graph a line and graphing a line I also know carries on for a long time. I want to major in buisness and working with numbers will be the number one thing I will need to know in what I want to do. I need to be good at solving equations and working with numbers. 
 I wish Carrie and Robert the best of luck in their new home. I enjoyed building this house and I learned a lot and got the experience of a lifetime with you both! Im going to show my kids this house, and Im super excited that I got to do this for you guys. I plan to do much more community service in my future! I know that I wont go into the contruction business but that doesnt stop me from helping my community out and doing more service learning projects!

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