Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Unit 1 - Day 3:

Day 3:

Daily Objective: Students will learn the surface area formulas for a pyramid, cylinder, cone, and sphere.

Prism - Area of bases  + Area of sides
Pyramid - b x h /2 if its a polygon pyramid - b x h/2 + 1/2 a x perimeter
Cylinder -2(pi x radius squared) + 2 (pi x d x h)
Cone - pi x radius squared + pi x r x L (slant height)
Sphere - 4 x pi x radius squared , the area of four circles

Surface area is the area ONLY covering the surface of the figure and nothing else. 

Quiz :

Quiz 3: Answers :

Question 1. Find the surface area
       1.) 15 x 15 = 225, which is the area of the base
       2.) 11 x 15/2 = 330 which is the area of sides
       3.) 330 x 3 = 990 which is area of ALL sides
\      4.) 990 + 225 = 1215 in. squared adding together the surface areas

Answer : 1215 in. squared

Question 2. Find the surface area
       1.) 5 x 5 = 25 area of the base
       2.) 5 x 25 = 125 area of sides
       3.) 25 x 2 = 50 which is both the sides
       4.) 125 x 4 = 500 which is all the sides added together
       5.) 500 + 50 = 550 adding together all the surface areas

Answer : 550 in. squared

Question 3. Find the surface area 
       1.) 15 x 11 = 165 which is the area of the sides
       2.) 165 x 3 = 495 which is the area of all the sides
       3.) 10 x 10 / 2 = 50 which is the area of the base
       4.) 50 x 2 = 100 which is the area of the bases combined
       5.) 495 + 100 = area of all the surfaces

Answer : 595 in. squared

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